Your Career with Us!

Welcome to our dedicated team at the school bistro XXX! If you are looking for a fulfilling and varied job in a lively environment, you have come to the right place. Our bistro not only offers delicious food but also diverse career opportunities.


For those who want to take on a fixed and comprehensive role in our team, we offer various full-time positions. As a full-time employee, you are a central part of our bistro and play a key role in ensuring smooth operations. Your tasks may include the following areas:

We know that flexibility in the workplace is important. That’s why we also offer attractive part-time positions, ideal for people who want to balance their professional activities with other commitments like family, studies, or additional jobs. As a part-time employee, you have the opportunity to contribute in various areas:


For those who want to gain initial professional experience and an insight into the world of gastronomy, we offer exciting internship opportunities at school bistro XXX. As an intern, you are a valuable part of our team and contribute to making our bistro a place of comfort and enjoyment. Your tasks include various areas, depending on your interest and deployment area:


For those seeking solid and practice-oriented training in gastronomy, school bistro XXX offers excellent opportunities. As an apprentice, you are an integral part of our team and contribute significantly to making our bistro a popular meeting place for students, teachers, and staff. Your training with us covers various areas where you will acquire comprehensive knowledge and skills:

Future Day

The Future Day at school bistro XXX offers students an exciting opportunity to gain first insights into the working world of gastronomy. On this day, we open our doors to introduce interested young people to the various areas of our bistro.

What can you expect on Future Day?

Apply Now!

If you feel addressed and would like to join our team, we look forward to your application! Send your documents to or visit us directly at the school bistro to learn more about current job offers. Become part of our dedicated team and help us create a healthy and sustainable break culture.

Please attach the following documents to your application: